Sunday, January 09, 2011

there's a first time for everything

Few months ago I went to my first snorkeling trip at Thousand Island on the north of Jakarta. The trip was so special for me, because it had a lot of firsts. First time I went snorkeling (I actually wanted to try this for so long, but somehow never got the chance), first time I went to Muara Karang (which is a large fishing docks in Jakarta), first time I went on a trip with complete strangers I met online (about all twenty of them), first time I visit Pramuka, Semak Daun, Bira, Kayu Angin, islands, first time I dip and relaxing on the beach at night with a gorgeous full moon, and the unforgettable moment the first time i met the real little nemo (clown fish), dory, baby stingray, and patric (starfish), all kind of colorful beautiful corals and the first time i got sting by a jellyfish.

When I got the email from my friend about the trip, I'm excited and sign up right away with two of my friends. But one by one they bail on me with lots of reason. At first I'm gonna cancel the trip, coz I thought it'll be akward goin' on a trip with bunch of strangers. But one of my friend who went to these kind of backpacking trip push me to go. She said, I'll meet new friends, and have fun. I thought about it, and said to my self, why not? there's a first time for everything right? And I really glad I did! :) I went home two days later with a sun burn on my back, an itchy sting of the jellyfish, some bruises from the corals on my thigh and of course a happy smile on my face :)

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